
Ultimate Guide To Creatine | Everything You Need To Know

Ultimate Guide To Creatine | Everything You Need To Know

Creatine is arguably the most used supplement as research over the last few years backs up all the benefits. In this blog we will cover all things Creatine, from the benefits to why you should consider taking it. 

What Is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in small amounts in certain foods like red meat and fish, and it’s also produced by your body. It’s stored primarily in your muscles and used as a quick source of energy during high-intensity activities like weightlifting or sprinting. While your body produces creatine, the levels may not be enough to significantly impact your performance, which is why supplementation can be beneficial.

Why Is Creatine So Popular?

Creatine has been proven through multiple studies and research to be beneficial for anyone looking to build muscle and improve performance. This is due to it's ability to help increase power output when performing explosive exercise. 

Creatine works by increasing the availability of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in your cells. During intense exercise, your body rapidly depletes ATP, which can lead to fatigue and decreased performance. By supplementing with creatine, you can replenish ATP stores more quickly, allowing you to sustain higher intensity efforts for longer periods. This leads to greater strength, improved endurance, and better overall performance.

Who Should Take Creatine?

It is recommended that creatine should only be taken by individuals over the age of 18. Creatine can be beneficial for anyone who exercises no matter the gender. If you are someone who is looking to boost performance and increase muscle mass, creatine should be a supplement that you consider taking. If you have a medical condition such as a liver problem, it is recommended that you check with your doctor before taking creatine.

Benefits of Creatine

 There may actually be more benefits to taking creatine than you are actually aware of. Below you can see the benefits of taking creatine:

  • Improves strength in the gym 
  • Makes muscles look fuller through water retention 
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Can help with recovery

The best time to take Creatine

The timing of when you take creatine isn't as important as you may think. As long as you take a serving everyday at roughly the same time, it will stay in your system and you will see the benefits. If you were going to choose the most optimal time to take your creatine, it would be pre-workout however research shows the difference is negligible. 

How much Creatine should you take?

How much creatine you should take depends on your bodyweight. On average 5 grams per day is fine for most people however some females with a lighter bodyweight may only need 3 grams per day. It is optional whether you want to load creatine at the beginning however just taking the recommended serving daily has been to return the same benefits over the long term. 

Creatine Myths

With the popularity of Creatine, comes a lot of myths. One of the most popular myths with Creatine is that it will make you bald. Research shows Creatine won't be the reason for hair loss, instead it comes down to your genetics. Another myth is that creatine shouldn't be taken while dieting. Creatine can be taken all year round and if you're trying to hold onto muscle mass while dieting, creatine should be a staple supplement in your routine. To hold onto muscle while dropping body fat, training intensity and performance needs to be high which is when Creatine becomes useful.


Creatine is going to be beneficial for anyone looking to build muscle, hold onto muscle, or just to improve overall performance. Taking 3-5 grams of creatine a day depending on your bodyweight, will have the seeing the benefits that were mentioned above. Get your Creatine from Bodybuilding Warehouse today.
Bodybuilding bulking creatine gains gym muscle building nutrition performance supplements Training training tips workout
Posted 20 Aug 2024